What are the benefits of adopting an attitude of gratitude?

One of the most transformative tools I’ve adopted in my life, and one that I like to share with others as a Leadership and Personal Development coach, is the use of “Gratitude”.

Over the years I’ve come to understand that when I want to make a shift for the better, regardless of what it may be, it starts on the inside. It begins with a thought, the development of the idea, and so forth. When I am anchored with an “attitude of gratitude” the results are more positive, more productive, more fulfilling. I feel better about my life and what’s going on around me.

There is more and more scientific research being undertaken to substantiate this finding, and the following link, to a very comprehensive article, explains how the emotional connection between our hearts impacts our brains, even at a molecular level.

Scientists Show How Gratitude Literally Alters The Human Heart & Molecular Structure Of The Brain

Adopting the daily practice of “feeling grateful” will not only change your life, the world around you may become more peaceful as well!

Bring it on!

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Happy New Year!

This cartoon reminds me that the New Year will bring to me what I plant in the “garden of life”and I’m pretty sure it will do that same for you.

Plant the seed of your desire by making your intention clear. Then let your willingness grow and blossom!

May 2019 bring you all that you desire!

Things I’ve Learned Along the Way: Stick with it despite the challenges

This brightened my day and made me smile. Why? Because it reminds me to keep on trying despite the challenges that surface in life.

Through experience, I’ve learned when trying something new it almost always feels a bit odd in the beginning, because it is. It’s when we persevere against all odds and keep working on what is most important to us, whether it may be learning to ride a motorcycle, working on a new project or whatever it is that’s burning in our hearts, that success comes into focus.

Take the plunge, make the mistakes, try again, and smile knowing that you are on your way to mastery!

Is fear stopping you in your tracks? This might help.

Over the years this video has turned up in my social media feed. For me, it’s a perfect reminder not to let fear get in the way of living my life fully.

When self doubt creeps in, as it tends to do from time to time, it’s easy to step back and not take the critical first step. Opportunities are missed, dreams remain dreams, and life closes in.

My experience is that fear is elusive. When I face it head on, it dissolves and some of life’s richest moments are on the other side.

I hope this short clip inspires you to take that first step. Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Facing fear

Are you looking for the secret to life? Change your thoughts and it changes your life

Recently a young lady I know had an incredible realization. Despite having received some difficult news, she was able to change her thinking. Instead of her usual reaction of getting bummed out about it, she went for a walk and thought about all of the things that were going right in her life. In that moment, she realized that she was on to something.

The secret that is often overlooked: Our thoughts generate our feelings; what we feel drives our actions; and our actions define who we are and who we ultimately become.

The simple practice of changing our thoughts and adopting an “attitude of gratitude” is a powerful way to take back our lives.

Things I’ve learned along the way: Recognizing the value others bring to the Wold Game

As I navigate my way through life, I’ve come to recognize the importance of valuing the perspective of others.

Each of us brings a unique perspective to the World Game through our work and in our personal lives.  Taking time to listen, learn and appreciate the views and ideas held by others, it expands my sometimes limited view.  It creates space and opens my mind to alternative approaches.    It allows me to recognize that each person’s unique viewpoint has the possibility of setting the works on fire.

By valuing others, it opens my mind and creates space for an alternative approach. Over time, it opens up new possibilities that may have otherwise been missed or overlooked. Most of all, it allows me to embrace and appreciate others for who they are, I come to value and appreciate their contribution to the World Game!

Embrace the day

Sometimes it’s difficult to see the silver lining in some of what life sends our way, but when we look closely it’s always there.  Seek the simple pleasures and celebrate them for that’s where joyfulness is found.

Embrace the day, and all that it offers.

What makes a good life?

If you find yourself searching for happiness and a deeper sense of meaning in your life, you are not alone. Despite having more in our lives today than previous generations, a higher percentage of us feel less fulfilled and unhappy. Many of us are on a quest to find the right job, the right relationship, the right something to transform our lives.

The following Ted Talk by Emily Esfahani Smith provides insight into what she describes as the four pillars that are key to a more meaningful life.

If you have ever been on that quest to bring more happiness into your life, the following 12 minute video may hold the answer for you.

What makes a good life

Celebrating International Women’s Day

As I reflect on the importance of this day I am reminded of all the wonderful women who have influenced, encouraged and inspired me over the years, and there have been many.  They have been family, friends, colleagues, acqaintences and yes even strangers. 

Thank you for helping me find my way when I’ve felt discouraged, for helping me up when I stumbled, for being the beacon of light that showed me the way when I was lost and struggling to find my way.  Most of all thank you and for believing in me and reflecting back to me all I am capable of being!

Who are the women making a difference in your life?

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” — Eleanor Roosevelt  

Who’s responsibility is it anyway? 

Have you ever read an article or watched a video that prompted you to speak up? I experienced this recently when watching the attached video of Simon Sinek from Delta Protective Services. It’s a very informative video about millennials, the impact technology has had on an entire generation, the need for instant gratification, the lack of patience and how it’s now playing out in our workplaces and in society. It’s worth the investment of time to watch through to the end.  

There are many very good points being raised in the video, however, as a leadership and personal development coach, I do not agree with the commentator’s view point that it’s the “corporations” responsibility to fix the problem.  Mr. Sinek is of the opinion that as a result of poor parenting, a dependence on immediacy created by technology, and addictions to social media, millennials have been dealt a bad hand.  He goes on to say employers need to demonstrate good leadership to help this generation in the workplace. Admittedly, these circumstances may have impacted millennials in varying degrees, including developing a dependency on social media, an inability to manage stress, the lack of particular skill sets needed to build meaningful relationships, and in some cases lack of self confidence and the feeling of worth and fulfilment as they move through life.  

Click here to view the video: Millennials

As a leader and coach I’m of the view that responsibility rests with the individual. If I have a problem or see the need to change an aspect of my life which isn’t working for me, then it’s my responsibility to address it. If for example I am addicted to alcohol, have messed up relationships and a lack of self worth as a result of a dysfunctional upbringing, it’s not my employer’s responsibility to fix it. It’s my responsibility. The employer may provide me with an opportunity to go to treatment where I can address the problem, but then recovery is up to me. I think the same applies here. 

Whether you are a millennial or part of another generation, each of us needs to take personal responsibility for addressing whatever challenge we are coming up against. We can blame our parents, technology, society, or some other set of circumstances but when the rubber hits the road, it’s up to the individual to take responsibility for the changes needed to make the best of any given situation.  

Awareness is critical.  I agree employers have a responsibility to demonstrate good leadership by providing meaningful feedback and to support individuals in the workplace.  From there, it’s the individual’s responsibility to take the steps needed to address whatever problem they may be experiencing. That’s how it worked for me. My life has not always been smooth sailing and there have been many instances where I’ve had to take the initiative to overcome personal challenges along the way. That’s how it’s been for most of us.  
The lesson I’ve learned along the way is responsibility for initiating change is an inside job.  

As a leadership and personal development coach I offer services to help individuals and employers develop plans and take concrete steps to overcome obstacles and introduce meaningful change. If you are trudging through life, if your career feels unsatisfying or perhaps you are aware of a skill set needed to help you advance or to turn yourself around, then working with a personal development coach may be right for you. 

St Julien Performance Group provides a free complimentary session to ensure there is a right fit between you and your coach. During the complimentary session I will work with you to identify your individual personal development needs and recommend a course of action. Contact us today!

Has the fear of rejection been defining your life?

I think we all grow up with some form of bogeymen in our closets, some form of rejection that has left its mark on our life.  I know I have and sometimes it holds me back from stepping fully into life. What I’ve come to realize is in the end it’s not what happened that matters, it’s what we do with it.  It’s how we turn it around that matters.  

Some of us have limited ourselves by dreading the moment when someone somewhere will say “no” to our idea, whether it’s a proposal to advance our new business, or maybe it was our dream to make a difference in the world.  Regardless of how big or how small the idea, if we walked away because of the fear of rejection, it limited us.  

If you are still hanging on to the fear of rejection then this TedTalk video is a must see.  Jim Jiang transformed his life by coming to understand his fear of rejection through an innovative and inspiring approach that is worth checking out. 

You can watch the video here: What I learned in 100 days of rejection

I hope after viewing this video it somehow inspires you to step into your fullest potential! I know it’s made me rethink mine.  

Is fear holding you back? If you hesitated, even just a little bit, then this is for you.

Recently I watched a Ted Talks presentation where the presenter, Isaac Lidsky, challenges us to let go of excuses, assumptions and fears and accept the awesome responsibility of being the creators of our own reality.  

Click here to watch this powerful and enlightening video!
If silencing the fear and quieting the doubts feels scary, or you’re not sure how to even start, working with an experienced certified coach may be the right step for you. If you think coaching is something you might be interested in trying, contact me to set up a no obligation complimentary coaching session. 

Don’t hesitate, just do it!

Is the fear of failure stopping you?

It can be scary trying something new….after all there is a risk of failing, and depending on how far you’re stepping outside of your comfort zone the risk of failure increases exponentially. In some cases we become so fixated on the risk of failing we decide not to go forward or we turn back, never really knowing how it might have been.

You may want to rethink that strategy after watching this video.  

Click here to view the video

What are you ready to fail at?   

If taking the first step towards your dream feels daunting, regardless of what your dream may be, working with an experienced certified coach may be the next right step for you.  If you think coaching is something you might be interested in trying, contact me today to set up a no obligation complimentary coaching session. It just might be what you need to make that positive and meaningful change to your life!

It’s Never Too Late!

What is your biggest regret?

Maybe it’s not getting the degree you always wanted, or perhaps it’s not spending time with your family to experience those precious moments that are being swept away by too many late nights at the office, or not having pushed past your comfort zone to experience all that you are capable of.  

This video that I recently came across is a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue the things that are important to you.   Click on the link below to view it: 

It’s never too late

Where do you want to go in your life?  What dreams do you want to realize?

Working with an experienced leadership and personal development coach can help you to determine what’s really important to you.  They will help you develop a concrete and realistic plan and then help you create the momentum you need to take the important steps necessary to realize your dream. What’s even more important, with your permission,  they will hold you accountable to deliver on what you’ve agreed to do.

Taking the first steps towards achieving your dreams can be daunting.  Working with a supportive and well trained coach may be just what you need.

If you think coaching is something you might be interested in trying, contact me today to set up a no obligation complimentary coaching session. It just might be what you need to make those positive and meaningful changes to your life!